DIY Market Trolley Booster Seat

Time taken: 2 hours

- Giant / Shop-&-Save Market Trolley (One with the top basket flip)
- Styrofoam Board (thicker than the trolley top basket)
- Fabric (I bought from Diaso)
- Woven Tape (I bought from Diaso)
- Cardboard Box / Board (big enough for the base of the booster seat)
- Used Towel (Any kind for cushioning)
- Hot Glue Gun (fav tool)

This was done in 2014 but now that I have a DIY blog, I will slowly post it up when I have the time. =)
This is a trolley from Shop-&-Save supermarket (now Giant), you know, the kind with the top basket that can flip open. I added a booster seat at the top basket for my toddler (3 years old then) to sit on, I make sure he holds onto the handle all the time (safety first). So I can go marketing and if he ever says he is tire, he can sit on top of the trolley as I walk. No hands to push trolley and stroller at the same time with an added carrier on my chest! And if my younger daughter (8months old then), I can move the booster seat to the inside of the trolley for her (provided no grocery yet).

Sorry, I did this last minute so I didn’t manage to capture any pictures in-between but below are the steps and it is pretty easy.

Step 1
Make sure you get a trolley with the top basket that flips open. This is so you can put the booster seat on top. To cut the Styrofoam according to size, I trace out the shape of the top basket on a piece of paper. Stick the traced paper onto the Styrofoam and cut to shape. If the Styrofoam board is not thick enough, you may need to cut afew pieces and stick them together using hot glue gun. Make sure the thickness of the Styrofoam board is thicker than the depth of the top basket. That is to make sure your child do not sit on the basket wire or he/she may complain about discomfort.

Step 2
Layer the used towel on the top of the Styrofoam that you just cut out. Layer as many as you like, it is for comfort when you child seats on it. After which, wrapped a fabric from the top of the booster seat to the base. Using a glue gun, glue down all fabric to the base. Is ok if it’s untidy at the base because we are going to cover it. Just make sure the glue is secure, I uses a lot.

Step 3
Trace the booster seat onto a cardboard and cut out the base, making sure it to be slightly smaller than the booster seat. Glue the cardboard with glue gun and stick onto the base of the booster seat.

Step 4
Glue the woven tape across the booster seat to the side only. Leave about 0.5m long for each ends, so you can tie it to the trolley top basket. So it doesn’t drop off whenever you open that flip. You can have more woven tape but I am ok with 2.  

You are ready for your marketing trip!
By the way, I am a stay-at-home-mum, I sells frozen dessert at a very low rate as it is imported directly. Don't worry, our products are NEA approved and certified Halal. Our best seller is our ice cream éclairs, you can see from all our likes on Facebook. Is like what you usually eat during a catering buffet but so much more worthy to buy from us. Caterer sells at $1.70 for 2 pieces but we are selling it at only $4 for 12 pieces ($0.33/pieces).

Great for parties and event or just share with your neighbours to meet the minimum order or share the delivery cost. Please help to support. To order, just w.a./sms/call at 96808669. Pricelist is on our or w.a. us and we will send it to you.

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