DIY Portable Ice-Cream Cafe Toy

DIY Portable Ice-Cream Café ToyThis idea has been floating in my head for some time. Finally have the time to really do it. This took me a total of about 6 hours added up all together. It cost me about $15 in total. I was thinking about a plane journey toy when I make this, to keep my 3.5years old occupied. So I make it in a portable plastic box with a handle, easy store away and bring along.

Step 1

Make all the mini pom-poms you want. All you need is a fork and your yarn. I found my white-elephant yarn in the store room, just nice for this project. Yarn color of your choice, as long as you can think of a flavor for each color. My color choice:Brown = Chocolate
Cream = Vanilla
Pink = Strawberry
Blue = Blueberry
Dark Brown = Black Sesame (my fav flavor)
Purple = Yam

I don’t have any picture showing how it is done but you can easily do a search “make pom pom with a fork”. I make about 4 for each color.

Step 2


Get a container with a handle. This cost me about $2.90 from Japan Home.

Found 6 square cups that fit nicely in the container box where I can place all the ice-cream pom-poms. I stick the square cups base onto the base of the container box with hot-glue-gun. 

I also found 4 bottle containers where I used to put my facial wash when I travel. These bottle containers are perfect for the ice-cream topping I am going to make later. I glue-gun the bottom of the bottle containers with velcro (Female side) and velcro (male side) onto the container box.
I glue a card board just below the 4 bottle containers, this is will be a base where I can stick the menu up later.

Step 3

I need a scoop for the ice-cream café, bought these measuring spoons from Japan Home at about $2. Found half-table spoon size fit the best for the pom-poms.

Step 4

Bought these cute ice-cream cones from Diaso, 3 cones cost $2, I bought 3 x 3 = 9 ($6). This is perfect for the pom poms I made earlier but the pom poms drop off easily when it is being placed on top.
To overcome that, I stick some Velcro (male side) inside the cone as shown, this will solve the issue. Now to test it out.
Step 5

For the toppings, I have 3 toppings

White Felt & Rainbow beads = Cream with Rainbow Rice
Red Felt & Red Beads = Strawberry Jam
Brown Felt & Red Round Felt = Chocolate Fudge & Cherry
Cream with Rainbow Rice:

I use a marker to draw out the shape onto the white color felt before cutting it out.

Sew the rainbow beads onto the felt. Glue-gun it onto the velcro backing (male side). Trim to shape and trim away the blue marker line.

Try it. It does look cute.

Strawberry Jam:

It is the same as the cream with rainbow rice, just using red color felt and red color beads. Velcro backing too.

Chocolate Fudge with cherry:

It is all felt material. Just glue-gun everything together and onto the velcro backing.
Step 6

So how about double and triple scoop ice cream? I use a connector, is just two velcro (both are male side) and glue-gun it together.  It will be place in the middle of each scoops. Try it.
Step 7
Decorate your box. I added a menu for the inside and label all ice-cream. Give a cover to the box.
The End. Hope you enjoy the tutorial.
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  1. Very interesting idea! I'd love to make one for my 2 yo girl. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. You are most welcome. Hope you enjoy making it as much as I do. =)
