About Me

I am a Singaporean and I am happily married with two children, my elder boy name Noel and my second born is a girl name Chloe. Crafting has always been my hobby since I was a little girl. I will make mini shopping bags, dresses and pillows for my Barbie dolls. I always think that my hands are meant to make beautiful things for the people I love.
I did not excel very much in my studies when I was little and manage to go into ITE and into the course that I wanted which is Building Drafting (Architectural), they teaches building modeling and manual drawing/drafting in both 2D and 3D. If you are wondering where I get all those cutting skills from, for that I have to give credit to my years in ITE.

Amazingly, I did really well in my ITE and went ahead to Civil & Structural Engineering in Polytechnic and University. You may ask why didn’t I choose Architectural since I love it so much? I don’t come from a very wealthy family so I can only resolve to the fastest route possible and get a career ASAP upon my graduation. I was hoping to achieve a degree after my diploma if I can still excel. I started planning my path and was told that getting a degree in Architectural will take longer compare to engineering. I went ahead with Civil & Structural Engineering. Being in engineering line,  my maths and many logically thinking gets stronger. Do I regard now?  Nope, it makes me who I am and everything I learned from my 8 years of studies; 2years in ITE, 3years in Singapore Polytechnic and 3 years in NTU have been the best years of my life.
Crafting has always been with me all the while, every time I can’t find a thing that I wanted and the way I liked it, I will DIY/make it myself. My life has been surrounded by people who are very handy craft too. My grandpa, he is a paper doll maker. Those are dolls for Chinese offering for the decease and what he made are the traditional kinds with lots of details on it (not those kinds. His skills always amaze me when I was little, sad to say that he no longer doing it due to his poor eyesight.
My mother is someone who does sewing all her life. My mum used to make me dresses every Chinese New Year. My mum will sew everything that can be sewed at home; curtains, blankets. bed sheets, sofa and cushion cover. She alter our cloths every time we needed help, she is our very own seamstress at home, nowadays she no longer make us clothing as easily available and cheaper too. She is a true inspiration to my life.

As for me, I like things that are fun (toys) and most of my craft items are for people I love, so you can see my creation are mostly for my husband and children. I love parties too especially for the children, love to see my children and their cousin bond together so I create theme parties occasionally for them.
Many of the time people think that hand made things are overpriced. If you were to do a calculation and when it boil down to the hour spend on the project, it is actually very minimum. Think of the living standard in Singapore and DIY things are always very time consuming, so if you really do a calculation and base on hourly pay, it is not as much as you think. Guess only the person doing it will truly understand. If you are complaining about the price, then I would suggest you Do-It-Yourself, with the love put into the project, I am sure the person using it will be more than happy and remembers it for a life time.
The reason I create this blog is because I love to share and I love to teach too. So tutorial in my blog is one way to show my passion in crafting and hope to meet more like minded people. If you want to engage me in classes or anything you think can involve my skill, please feel free to drop me an email with your contact no.  Remember to also subscribe to my blog so you will receive my latest blog post each time.  Hope to see you soon.