Mummy Money System

My kids haven't stepped out of the house since the start of Circuit Breaker. It's coming to a full month now. Although it has been incredible and amazing that they've haven't requested to go out but I do hope to go out myself. Haha.

It's getting bored as the Home-Base-Learning is coming to an end tomorrow. When they have nothing to do, they kind of took on the battle of sibling rivalry. Nobody wants that.

Inspired by a friend who posted a similar reward system for her children. I think is a good idea to make my own.

If you notice it, I've included a interest earning bank (A.K.A mummy's banking) if they decided to save the earned money with me. They can earn 20% of their saving each week!!! If only real life were so sweet.

I did it using Microsoft Power Point Slides and some copy & paste from google search. I do not have a color printer so printed it in black & white and color it using art markers.

For those who wants to amend, can download the power point files while those who wish to print as is, may go with the PDF file instead. Enjoy.

Power Point File Click Here

PDF File Click Here

DBS PayNow & DBS PayLah

DBS PayNow has been launch for 2 days (along with other banks in Singapore on 10 Jul 2017 ) and I’ve been  testing it out. Before PayNow was launch, I’ve been in love with the DBS PayLah which was so easy and fun. The simplicity and the zero cost is especially attractive for small shop owners and merchant who can’t afford the additional cost for e-transaction which makes it a hit (eg. Hawker and Ma-Ma Shops). If Singapore is moving towards Cashless, helping these small shop owners and merchant will truly help achieve that as Singaporean will be using it more often given it is a part of our daily lives and getting used to it will be a lot easier.

Before the launch, I thought DBS PayNow will be an integrated part on top of PayLah for DBS since PayLah already has a growing trend and supporter. Unfortunately, it is not. Below are my personal comment and improvement I think it can value add to DBS PayNow or other bank’s PayNow. Disclaimer: I’ve not tried other bank’s PayNow so has no comment for them. This is only for DBS PayNow.

I love the fact that the banks are finally working things out to allow interbank fund transfer without having to add someone’s account in first, token out, receive authentication SMS and blur blur blur. But I still feel there are plenty rooms for improvement.

  • There is no SMS notification or other form of notification whenever someone has made a bank transfer. Inorder to find out, one must login to ibanking to find out who and how much one has received. If you are waiting for a transaction to come in but has no idea when, this is especially troublesome to login all the time, not mentioning the auto log out within a certain timing. Imagine the small merchant having to login like 100 times or more whenever someone has made a transaction. This will turn down many small shop owners or merchant to use this function as the authentication of fund received is too troublesome. Well DBS PayLah has this function and it makes so much more sense and ease.

  • Unlike DBS PayLah, there is a holding wallet, so all fund comes in will be kept in that wallet. This is easier for fund transfer tracking. As for DBS PayNow, all transactions go into your bank account directly. It makes it hard to identify which transaction was made base on PayNow or your other transaction. Imagine if the small merchant having to open another account just for easy tracking.

  • It will be alot more fun to have a QR code function for payment like the DBS PayLah. Currently DBS PayLah allows merchant to print out their QR code and paste it at their store for payment and merchant will received a notification when there is a payment received. We now must type in the receiver’s hp number, although not much to complain about as it is only 8 digits numbers but don’t you think it is more fun with QR code and easier for merchant? If we can retrieve the user’s hp number within our hp contacts will be a plus point for frequent transaction (PayLah allows this).

The notification for fund received will be a crucial point whether a small shops owner or merchant will be using it or not. I really hope DBS PayNow will soon integrate with DBS PayLah as PayLah is so much fun. I hope one day, PayLah’s notification without needing to login and PayNow’s cross banks transfer will soon come together and benefit more user. 

Young Living Essential Oil – Lady Sclareol DIY Gift Box

Bought this essential oil as a gift for a friend of mine and since it is a gift, I have to make a box for it. I nickname this EO as “Love Potion” since it is an alluring perfume. There is a cup in the middle to hold the EO and a traditional perfume bottle design at the front.

Pop Up Graduation Card

This is a card I made about 10 years back for my husband, then boyfriend. Made him wearing a graduation gown and in a bomb suit. Very manly right. Hehe.

Pop up Army Tanker Card

This is a card I made about 10 years back for my husband, then boyfriend. Made a 3D pop-up tank with him on it and I am a hanging piece on the left side of the card.  

Frozen Themed - Elsa Hair Braid / Wig

Frozen inspire - Elsa Hair Braid / Wig for children. 
This is a simple tutorial for the Frozen Themed Elsa Hair Braid/Wig.
This took me about an hour. EZpartyDIY yah.

DIY Shadow Puppet Theatre

Shadow Puppet Theatre

Shadow Puppet Theatre
Shadow Puppet Theatre

I design the frame and printed it out, trace it over the fabric. This can be really time consuming.